The product offer is limited to Metropolitan France unless otherwise indicated. Sarl Bacanha undertakes to honor orders received within the limits of available stocks. In the event of unavailability of a product after placing an order, Bacanha will inform the customer by email or telephone within 48 working hours, the customer may then request the cancellation of his order and obtain a refund of the price paid. The refund will be made no later than 15 working days from the customer's decision, either by check or bank transfer.
Product illustrations are not part of the contractual scope. They may represent suggestions for presentations of the product once opened. In any case, Sarl Bacanha cannot be held liable in the event that an error has been introduced into the descriptions or illustrations.


The seller's price list may be modified unilaterally without prior notice and does not constitute a sale under any circumstances. The goods will be invoiced at the rate in effect at the time of transmission and acceptance of the order by us (refer to the price list in effect).


Unless special conditions apply, we require payment of the entire order before delivery.


For delivery in France:

For an order less than 29.90 euros, delivery is chargeable:

- 7.95 euros for delivery to a Pick Up or La Poste relay point

- 11.95 euros for home delivery

For an order equal to or greater than 29.90 euros of purchase:

- free delivery to the Pick Up or La Poste relay point closest to you

- paid home delivery: 11.95 euros

Home delivery is free for purchases over 59.90 euros.

When you choose delivery to a Pick Up or La Poste relay point, please note that your package will only be available for 8 days. After this period, the package will be returned to us. If you want a new delivery, the reshipping costs will be borne by the customer.

For delivery in Europe:

- paid delivery of €19.90 up to 16kg

- paid delivery of €29.90 above 16kg

Sarl Bacanha will handle shipping by the carrier of its choice. It is up to the customer to be able to receive the order. Failing this, the order will be sent to the nearest warehouse if possible. For deliveries abroad and DOM TOM, the customer will consult the shipping rates with Sarl Bacanha before ordering.
The delivery time for an order is between two and three working days.


In the event of loss or damage, the recipient must have the delivery person note this and state clear and justified reservations on the transport document. These reservations must be confirmed to the carrier within 3 working days by registered letter. This provision is mandatory for the carrier to be held liable.


The products of the Bacanha brand are the property of the company Bacanha, with a share capital of 20,000 euros, whose head office is located at 19, rue de l'Inte 77165 Saint-Soupplets, registered with the RCS of Meaux under SIRET number 798 161 360 00028 – VAT number FR01798161360 – APE 1107B hereinafter “Sarl Bacanha”. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter “GTC”) apply exclusively to all sales by Sarl Bacanha of products or services made to any natural or legal person acting for the satisfaction of their personal needs or acting within the framework of their professional or commercial activity (hereinafter “Customer”). All other conditions are only binding on Bacanha after written confirmation from it. Any document other than these General Terms and Conditions, including catalogues, advertisements, price lists and handwritten notes, has only an informative and indicative value, not contractual and may, as such, be modified by Bacanha without notice. At the time of placing an order, the customer acknowledges having read and accepts without reservation these general terms and conditions of sale.


The transfer of ownership of the goods is suspended until full payment of the price. This reservation concerns professional customers placing an order on the website and having a payment period.


For any information or questions, our customer service is at your disposal:


Tel: 09 84 45 84 26


In the event of a dispute, you must first contact the company's customer service on 09 84 45 84 26 or by email at

If the complaint request to the consumer service fails, the consumer may submit the dispute relating to the order form or to these General Terms and Conditions opposing him to the professional seller Bacanha to a mediator who will attempt, in complete independence and impartiality, to bring the parties together with a view to reaching an amicable solution.

Bacanha will provide the contact details of the competent consumer mediator to whom it reports.

In the absence of an amicable agreement, you may refer any dispute relating to the existence, interpretation, conclusion, execution or termination of the contract and all documents related to this contract to the court. The competent court will be that of the place of domicile of the defendant (Article 42 of the Code of Civil Procedure) or that of the place of actual delivery of the item or performance of the service (Article 46 of the Code of Civil Procedure).


The withdrawal period expires fourteen days after the day on which you, or a third party designated by you to do so, takes physical possession of the products ordered.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must send us the completed withdrawal form, located at the bottom of our general conditions of sale page.

If you withdraw from the contract, we will reimburse all payments received from you, including delivery costs.

We will make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction.

In the event of withdrawal by the customer, the latter must return the products, assuming the shipping costs, to Sarl Bacanha, without undue delay and, in any event, no later than fourteen days after the customer has communicated to the recipient indicated on the withdrawal form his decision to withdraw from the possible contract.



(Please complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract.)

For the attention of ___________________

I/we (*) hereby notify you (*) of my/our (*) withdrawal from the contract for the sale of the goods (*) below:

Ordered on (*)/received on (*):

Name of consumer(s): ___________________

Address of consumer(s): ___________________

Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper): ___________________

Date :___________________

(*) Delete as appropriate.